nutrition- Tips For Grocery Shopping

By Judy Mick    
nutrition labels,
Everyone knows that they should eat a healthy and balanced diet. However, sometimes it seems that we go to the grocery store and we end up with a lot of foods that we just don't need. And, most of them are not good for us. With everyone so busy these days - it can be hard to get the right foods for you and your family. However, it can be done. Here are some tips to help you when you head to the grocery store.

The first thing that you want to do is to plan your meals for a week ahead of time. This will take a little time on your part - but it is well worth it to help you achieve your goal of healthy eating. Plan out the grocery items that you will need and make a list of these before you head to the store. The secret is - stick to your list! Don't get sidetracked by the cookies and candy that they place everywhere. You are on a mission!
Don't skip any of the major food groups - but make healthy food decisions. For breads, you want to make sure that you buy whole grain breads or multi-grain breads. Another excellent choice for sandwiches is whole grain pita pockets.   ( nutrition- Tips For Grocery Shopping)

In the meat section, healthy choices are skinless chicken breasts, salmon, red meat (yes, red meat is good for you as long as it is lean and little marbling), and ground turkey (an excellent substitution for hamburger). Lunch meat is fine - as long as you read the labels. Make sure that it is low in sodium.

The most important section on your grocery trip is the produce section. Take some time in this area and fill up that cart. You want to make sure that you are getting plenty of fruits and vegetables. Some of your fruit purchases should be: apples, mangoes, bananas, oranges, and cherries. Healthy veggies include: sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach (great for salads and smoothies), and carrots. Carrots are one of my staples because they are so easy to grab when I need a quick and healthy afternoon snack.

Staying on track with eating healthier is so much easier with your plan of attack at the grocery store. It keeps your refrigerator and pantry stocked with foods that are good for you and your family. If those chips and cookies aren't around and in view, everyone is less likely to crave them!
(nutrition- Tips For Grocery) Shopping

Eating well and staying in shape is a goal that everyone should have - no matter how busy they are. It's that important! Visit Health and Fitness Tips for more tips on exercise and healthy eating.
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