3 Reasons Why Intermittent Fasting Works For Weight Loss

By Tom Taylor
fasting to lose weight,
For centuries people have had intense discussions on whether or not fasting is safe.

Experts have been debating the benefits of fasting for years.

Intermittent fasting is a technique that has been getting recognition for its positive weight loss benefits.

This fasting technique allows you to consume a normal diet on non fast days. A popular method of this fast is restricting calories for 24 hours twice a week.

Listed below are three examples of how this method of fasting can improve your health and slim your waistline.

Calorie Reduction

Fasting for weight loss works so well because you are cutting your calories by having days of the week where you fast and only take in limited calories through water and teas.

Fasting also causes your body to utilize its stored fat supplies for energy.

No Need To Diet

When utilizing fasting as a method of weight loss you are not required to restrict what you eat as on traditional diets.

When you are on a fasting program, you do not have to adjust your meal plans because your overall daily calorie count will be lower when you consider the days you are fasting.

Fasting helps with weight loss because of the calorie restriction that occurs on the days you are not eating.

Healthier Lifestyle

There are many other benefits of fasting to include lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol.

Fasting also improves mental awareness, increases energy levels and boosts metabolism.

To improve your results add an exercise program to your routine.

Engaging in an exercise program will speed up your weight loss and improve your health.

Eating a diet which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables will provide your body with the fuel it needs to stay energized.

You should also be drinking eight or more glasses of water daily to stay hydrated and keep your digestive system working at peak capacity.

Fasting for weight loss can be an effective strategy for losing weight. As always before beginning any type of program that restricts calories consult with your doctor for his or her approval.

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